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    Achillea millefolium


    (1-99)  $3.59

    (100-999) $2.87

    (1000+)  $2.69

    Yarrow can grow anywhere between 30 cm to 1 metre tall. Yarrow prefers sunny locations on thin, sandy soils although it can grow in part sun conditions as well. You’ll see yarrow along roadsides, in fields, waste areas, canyon bottoms, subalpine zones and even on lawns. It grows in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. The leaves are alternate, 7cm to 12cm long, with many leaflets on each side of the midrib and these are further divided into smaller leaflet. This gives them a delicate, fern-like, lacy appearance. Flower heads are arranged in large, compact clusters at the top of the stem. Each cluster consists of 1 or more flower heads. The flower head has 20-25 (typically) white ray flowers. In the northern hemisphere flowers will bloom anywhere between April and September. These flowers attract bees.