Solidago canadensis

(1-99) $3.59
(100-999) $2.87
(1000+) $2.69
Golden rod can be found in Clearings, edges of forests, meadows, fields, roadsides ditches, and disturbed Areas. It is One of the most common species found throughout the United States except Florida and all of Canada except areas in the extreme north.
Usually a tall plant (up to 152 cm tall) in the Composite family with showy clusters of yellow, graceful flowers in a plumelike form. The Leaves are alternate along the stem and lance shaped with sharp teeth around the edge. They are hairless on the upper surface, and hairy beneath especially on the veins.
Leaves are described as being 3-nerved, meaning the midrib and 2 parallel lateral veins are prominent. Basal leaves form but fall off early leaving only stem leaves that are all nearly the same size. Leaves lack stalks, so bases attach directly to the stem. Flower heads form in dense, elongated, pyramid-shaped clusters. Each small flower head consists of 6 to 12 yellow ray flowers surrounding 2-7 yellow disk flowers. Stems are 12 to 152 cm tall with lots of leaves coming off the unbranched stem. They are generally hairless on the lower half becoming covered with small, soft hairs as you move upwards.