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Twin Sisters Native Plants Nursery specializes in the wholesale production of selected plant species native to the province of British Columbia and Alberta for use in reclaiming and replanting. Please browse our online catalog for examples of the various species we collect, germinate, grow and replant for our clients


Cone-bearing woody plants and trees.

Deciduous Trees

Trees that shed foliage and leaves in the fall season.

Grasses & Sedges

Annual or perennial grasses & primarily perennial sedges.

Herbs & Forbs

Green, leafy herbaceous flowering plants.


Small to medium size perennial woody plants.

Interested in becoming a Twin Sisters Native Plants Nursery client or finding out more about our products and services?

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Native Plants = Natural Growth

Physical Address

2118 N Highway 29,
Moberly Lake,
British Columbia, Canada

Mailing Address

PO Box 298,
Moberly Lake, BC
V0C 1X0

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