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Sitka Burnet

    Sanguisorba canadensis

    sitka burnet
    sitka burnet

    (1-99)  $3.59

    (100-999) $2.87

    (1000+)  $2.69

    Canada (Sitka) Burnet is a perennial herb which arises from a thick rhizome. It has alternate, pinnately compound leaves, with 7-15 sharply toothed leaflets.

    Its small white flowers are clustered in a dense spike, 3-12 cm long. The flowers have 4 petal-like sepals, which are only 2-3 mm long, and each flower has 4 stamens that are much longer than the sepals.

    Found in swamps, streambanks and moist to wet meadows. Prefers peaty soils.