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The list of current available species from Twin Sisters Native Plants Nursery. If you don’t see a species listed that you are interested in? Please contact us with your inquiry.

hybrid white spruce

Hybrid White Spruce

  • Conifers
  • 1-99 | $1.99
  • 100-999 | $1.59
  • 1000+ | $1.49

White spruce and its hybrids are found through-out the Interior of British Columbia from valley floor to mid elevations.



  • Shrubs
  • 1-99 | $3.59
  • 100-999 | $2.87
  • 1000+ | $2.69

A small, prostrate, woody groundcover shrub 5-30cm high.

lodgepole pine

Lodgepole Pine

  • Conifers
  • 1-99 | $1.99
  • 100-999 | $1.59
  • 1000+ | $1.49

A tall, slender, straight tree which grows throughout most of the Interior of British Columbia.

merten's sedge

Merten’s Sedge

  • Grasses/Sedges
  • 1-99 | $3.59
  • 100-999 | $2.87
  • 1000+ | $2.69

A densely packed, bullet-shaped cluster of overlapping flowers, Merten’s Sedge is common in wet habitats in mountain forests and meadows.

pacific willow

Pacific (Red) Willow

  • Shrubs
  • 1-99 | $3.59
  • 100-999 | $2.87
  • 1000+ | $2.69

Deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 4-15m featuring narrow leaves. Common to wetland environments.



  • Herbs/Forbs
  • 1-99 | $4.69
  • 100-999 | $3.75
  • 1000+ | $3.5

Perennial herb with pointed, lance-shaped leaves and bright red to pale orange tipped bracts.

paper birch

Paper Birch

  • Deciduous Trees
  • 1-99 | $1.99
  • 100-999 | $1.59
  • 1000+ | $1.49

A deciduous tree 10-30m in height with thin white bark that often peels.

pearly everlasting

Pearly Everlasting

  • Herbs/Forbs
  • 1-99 | $3.09
  • 100-999 | $2.47
  • 1000+ | $2.32

Pearly everlasting is a perennial native plant (in Canada and the U.S.) that is a member of the Asteraceae family.

prickly rose

Prickly Rose

  • Shrubs
  • 1-99 | $3.59
  • 100-999 | $2.87
  • 1000+ | $2.69

This perennial, shrubby plant has stout and branched stems and features pink, saucer shaped petals.